International Operational Modal Analysis Conference
What is IOMAC?
IOMAC is the first conference on the subject of Operational Modal Analysis (OMA). The idea of IOMAC is to be the natural meeting place for everybody in the field-the scientist, the applicant, the vendor and the student, and also those who would like to get introduced to the field.
IOMAC is a non-profit initiative that promote the generation and dissemination of technical and scientific knowledge within this field of activity, fomenting the teaching, training, collaboration and transfer of subjects related to operational modal analysis.

What is OMA?
Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) is a technique capable of estimating the modal parameters (mode shapes, natural frequencies and damping ratios) without knowing and/or controlling the input excitation (forces which are naturally present during the operation of the structure). Operational Modal Analysis is a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technique capable of estimating the modal parameters (mode shapes, natural frequencies and damping ratios) without knowing and/or controlling the input excitation.
Nowadays, this technique is known as OPERATIONAL MODAL ANALYSIS. However, different names were used in the past:
• Output Only Modal Analysis.
• Ambient Response Analysis.
• Ambient Modal Analysis.
• In-Operation Modal Analysis.
• Natural Input Modal Analysis.
• Natural Excitation Modal Analysis