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Online IOMAC Lectures






TITLE: Examples of application of SHM on earthquake and blast environment

SPEAKER: Rubén Boroschek.  Professor.  Civil Engineering Department. University of Chile

DATE: October 8th. 2020.









TITLE: Structural Modification Prediction in an OMA Enviroment

SPEAKER: Joerg Bienert, Professor Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI - Univ. of Applied Sciences) Germany

DATE: October 29th. 2020.






TITLE: Future aspects of SHM

By: Rune Brincker, Guangli Du, Evangelos Katsanos, Sandro Amador.

DATE: Thursday, March 4, 2021 -  17:00



We will present a philosophical discussion on why and how we can imagine OMA based solutions for structural health monitoring (HSM) to appear in the future. We will consider the status of the SHM marked and practice, and discuss the different automated facilities that needed in order to take full advantage of the OMA based technology. Then we will discuss the concept of white and black swans, white swans being a symbol of normal operation according to our expectations, and black swans being a symbol of un-expected hazardous events and the related problem of immediate damage detection afterwards. Finally, we will discuss the concept of information and why we imagine SHM will be needed in the future.






TITLE: Modal test planning and fe-test correlation

SPEAKER: Eddy Dascotte

DATE: Thursday, March 25, 2021 - 17:00


Eddy Dascotte obtained a master degree in civil engineering from the University of Brussels, Belgium (1984).

He has authored or co-authored more than 40 papers in the field of finite element model validation and updating since 1987.




TITLE: Strain based OMA; Application to damage assessment

SPEAKER: Guido De Roeck, Edwin Reynders, Dimitrios Anastasopoulos

DATE: Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 17:00


Guido de Roeck is Professor emeritus of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), past head of the Structural  Mechanics Section and author of more than 500 scientific journal and conference papers.  He is a world-famous expert in vibration based damage detection, dynamic system identification and soil structure interaction and vehicle bridge interaction. More specifically, the research of Structural  Mechanics Section is notorious for the pioneering work in operational modal analysis, combined deterministic-stochastic subspace identification, fully automated (operational) modal analysis, derivation of uncertainty bounds on modal parameters from stochastic subspace identification, damage assessment  by model updating.  

The Section is also very much engaged in extensive experimental work on buildings and bridges to apply  and validate the developed algorithms. In one of the recent projects sub-microstrain FBG data have  proven to identify very accurate modal strains which will allow the detection of small local damage.  


Professor Guido De Roeck was coordinator of EC Brite Euram project “System Identification to Monitor  Civil Engineering Structures (SIMCES)”, participated to the European projects RFCS “Fatigue damage  control and assessment for road and railways bridges (FADLESS)” (2009-2012) and RFCS “DEsign for  opTimal life cycle costs (LCC) of high-speed rAILway bridges by enhanced monitoring systems (DETAILS)”,  and was lecturer in the Marie Curie course SICON TC3 on ”Experimental dynamics model identification and damage detection” (2008) and the CISM course on ”New trends in vibration based structural health  monitoring” (2008).  

The Structural Mechanics Section is frequently cooperating with (inter)national industrial partners on  short and long term research projects. The Section has been and is a key partner.



TITLE: Using MatLab and the abravibe toolbox for OMA. Data quality analysis and signal processing for OMA

SPEAKER: Anders Brandt

DATE: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 - 17:00  


Anders Brandt, Professor, Vice Head of SDU Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern Denmark.


Anders has thirty years of industrial and academic experience as a consultant, researcher, and teacher in applications of signal analysis in acoustics, experimental structural dynamics and mechanical wave propagation in structures. He is the author of “Noise and Vibration Analysis – Signal Analysis and Experimental Procedures,” published by Wiley 2011. He is also the designer of the ABRAVIBE toolbox for teaching and learning vibration analysis, and is maintaining the website with additional resources for teaching, learning, and applying vibration analysis. Anders is a devoted and appreciated teacher and has held over 250 short-courses for industry around the world, on topics such as data acquisition, vibration analysis, and modal analysis, besides 20 years of teaching university courses.




TITLE: Using MatLab and the abravibe toolbox for OMA. OMA Parameter estimation 

SPEAKER: Anders Brandt

DATE: Thursday, May 13, 2021 - 17:00


Anders Brandt, Professor, Vice Head of SDU Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern Denmark.


Anders has thirty years of industrial and academic experience as a consultant, researcher, and teacher in applications of signal analysis in acoustics, experimental structural dynamics and mechanical wave propagation in structures. He is the author of “Noise and Vibration Analysis – Signal Analysis and Experimental Procedures,” published by Wiley 2011. He is also the designer of the ABRAVIBE toolbox for teaching and learning vibration analysis, and is maintaining the website with additional resources for teaching, learning, and applying vibration analysis. Anders is a devoted and appreciated teacher and has held over 250 short-courses for industry around the world, on topics such as data acquisition, vibration analysis, and modal analysis, besides 20 years of teaching university courses.




TITLE: OMA of time-periodic structures (in application to operating wind turbines)

SPEAKER: Dmitri Tcherniak

DATE: Tuesday, 8th of June, at 17.00 CET 


Dmitri Tcherniak received his MSc and PhD degrees at Marine Technical University in St. Petersburg, Russia. After 2 years as a postdoc at the Technical University of Denmark, Dmitri was working at Brüel & Kjær Sound & Vibration A/S, Denmark, first as a technical project lead of Brüel & Kjær’s structural applications and then as a research engineer in the Innovation group. The main topics of interest are structural analysis and structural health monitoring.



TITLE: Modal analysis with deep learning – an approach

SPEAKER: Jörg Bienert

DATE: Thursday, 24th of June, at 17.00 CET


Jörg Bienert is Proffesor at the “Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI – Univ. of Applied Sciences)”
at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering given lectures about Acoustics, Vibrations and Mechanics (statics,
dynamics). His research topics are: dynamics and acoustics lab, focus on automotive noise and vibration.
Jörg Bienert  is Vice dean of Mechanical Engineering department and Chairman of the academic senate of THI.


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