International Operational Modal Analysis Conference
2024 (Naples , Italy)
Lecture of Honor: Vibration Testing Avenues: from ground to roof
by Elsa Caetano. Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
Keynote Lecture: Operational modal analysis and structural health monitoring with fiber-optic strain sensors
by Edwin Reynders. Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, KU Leuven
Keynote Lecture: Advancing Structural Health Monitoring: Embracing a Territorial Perspective
by EFilippo Ubertini Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia, Italy
2022 (Vancouver , Canada)
Lecture of Honor: SHM in a Seismic Environment
by Dr. Ruben Boroschek. University of Chile. Chile
Keynote Lecture: New Approaches to Analyze Vibration Records From Buildings
by Erdal Åžafak. University in Istanbul, Turkey.
2019 (Copenhagen. Denmark)
Lecture of Honor: 35 Years of Modal Analysis
by Svend Gade.Former Application Specialist at Brüel & Kjær, Denmark
Keynote Lecture: Structural Health Monitoring of Historic Structure
by Carmelo Gentile, Politechnic University of Milan, Italy
2017 (Ingolstad. Germany)
Keynote Lecture: New Concepts for Ground and Flight Vibration Testing of Aircraft Based on Output-Only Modal Analysis
by Marc Böswald, DLR Göttingen Germany
Keynote Lecture: Development of a Deflection Monitoring System for Wind Turbine Blades
by Masaaki Okuma, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Keynote Lecture: Predicting In-Operation Dynamics by Assembly of Measured Components
by Daniel Rixen, Technical University Munich
2015 (Gijón. Spain)
Lecture of Honor: The Rock Crusher That Also Crushed Bearings
by Havard Vold. Ata Engineering Inc., San Diego, Usa
Keynote Lecture: Implications of Closely Spaced Modes in OMA
by Rune Brincker. Aarhus University, Denmark
Keynote Lecture: OMA On Operating Wind Turbines: Challenges And Solutions
by Dmitri Tcherniak. Brüel & Kjær, Denmark
2013 (Guimarães. Portugal)
Lecture of Honor: Experimental Modal Analysis Under Ambient Excitation: What We Can Learn From Experience
by Reto Cantieni. RCI Dynamics, Dübendorf, Switzerland
Keynote Lecture: Combined Use Of Operational Testing And Models Throughout The Product Lifecycle
by Bart Peeters. LMS International , Belgium
2011 (Istanbul. Turkey)
Lecture of Honor: Expanding the Borders of Operational Modal Analysis
by Guido de Roeck. K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Keynote Lecture: Non-Stationay Random Vibration Modelling and Identification: an overview of parameteric methods and applications
by Spilious Fassois. University of Patras, Department of Mechancial & Aeronautical Engineering Greece
2009 (Ancona. Italy)
Lecture of Honor: The Trouble with Vibration Measurements ….
by D.J. Ewins. University of Bristol, and Imperial College London
Keynote Lecture: Real-time performance tracking on a 183 m concrete chimney and tuned mass damper system
by James .M.W. Brownjohn. Vibration Engineering Section, University of Sheffield, UK
2007 (Copenhagen. Denmark)
Lecture of Honor: Back to the Future of Stochastic Subspace Identification
by Bart de Moor. ESAT-SCD Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Keynote Lecture: The Development of Modal Testing Technology for Wind Turbines: A Historical Perspective
by Thomas G. Carne. Sandia National Laboratories
2005 (Copenhagen. Denmark)
Lecture of Honor : A Personal History of Random Data Analysis
by Julius S. Bendat. J. S. Bendat Company, Los Angeles, California
Keynote Lecture: From Input-Output to Input-Only Modal Identification of Civil Engineering
by Alvaro Cunha. Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal